Legal notices
Please read carefully the different terms and conditions of use of this website before glancing through its pages. By connecting yourself to this website, you accept without reservations these terms and conditions. Following the article n°6 of the Law n°2004-575 from June, 21st, 2004 for the trust in the digital economy, the ones responsible for this website are :
Site Editor :
Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun SIRET number / registration number : 45297859600016 Editorial manager : Sylvie Farbos 5 Marcel Hervé street (rue Marcel Hervé) 47410 LAUZUN Phone number : 0553941309 – Fax : 0553941309 Email : Website :
Website hosting :
nooStance • 6 Ecosse street (rue d’Écosse) 75005 Paris •
Development :
Apsulis • 3 Cours of Tournon (Cours de Tournon) 33000 Bordeaux •
Terms of use :
This website ( is available in different web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc…). For better user comfort and a nicer design, we recommend you to use modern browsers like Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc… Legal notices were generated on the website Générateur de mentions légales (Legal notices generator), offered by Welye.
The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun implements all the means it has, to ensure reliable information and a reliable update of its websites. However, some errors or omissions can happen. The Internet user will have to make sure of the information’s accuracy, and report every change of the site, that he would judge useful. The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun isn’t in any case responsible for the use done with the information, and for any disadvantage caused directly or indirectly.
Cookies : The website may ask you to accept cookies for some statistics and display needs. A cookie is a piece of information put on your local hard drive by the website’s server you are visiting. It contains several pieces of data stored on your computer in a simple text file, to which a server accesses to read and save information. Some parts of this website may not be functional without accepting cookies.
Hypertexts links : Websites can offer some links to other websites or other resources available on the Internet. The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun hasn’t any mean to control the websites connected to its websites and doesn’t ensure the availability of these sites and external sources. It cannot be held as responsible for any damage, of any nature it might be, resulting from the content of these websites or external sources, and in particular information, products or services they offer, or any use that can be done from these elements. Risks linked to this use are entirely the Internet user’s responsibility, who has to comply with their terms of use.
Users, subscribers, and visitors to the websites cannot create a hyperlink to this website without prior express authorisation from the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun.
According to the hypothesis in which a user or visitor would wish to create a hyperlink to one of the websites of the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun, he will have to send an email accessible on the website in order to express his demand of creating a hyperlink. The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without any justification of its choice.
Provided services :
All the activities of the society, as well as its information, are on our website
The Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun makes an effort to provide on the website pieces of information as accurately as possible. The information available on the website is not exhaustive and photographs are non-contractual. Information is given subject to change since it has been online. Furthermore, all the information indicated on the website is given for information purposes only and may change or evolve without notice.
Contractual limitations about data :
The information on this website is as precise as possible and the website is updated several times during the year, although it may contain inaccuracies or omissions. If you note any gap, error, or what looks like a malfunction, please report it to us via email, to the address, by describing the problem as precisely as possible (on which page is the problem, which computer or browser is used, …).
Every downloaded content is at the user’s own risk and under his only responsibility. Consequently, the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun shall not be considered responsible for any damage suffered by the user’s computer or any loss of data following the download. Moreover, the website’s user commits himself to access the website while using recent hardware, without virus, and with an updated browser of the latest generation.
Hypertext links implemented on this website to other resources present on the Internet network do not engage the responsibility of the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun.
Intellectual property :
All the content available on the website, including, without limitation, graphics, pictures, texts, videos, animations, sounds, logos, gifs, and icons as well as their shaping, is the exclusive property of the company, except for brands, logos or contents owned by other partners companies or authors.
Every copy, distribution, change, adaptation, broadcast, or post, even partial, of these different elements is absolutely forbidden without the written explicit agreement of the Tourist Office of the Pays de Lauzun. This representation or copy, by any means, constitutes a counterfeit sanctioned by the articles L.335-2 and following, of the Intellectual Property Code. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes a counterfeit, which may engage the civil and criminal liability of the counterfeiter. Moreover, the owners of the copied contents may initiate legal action against the counterfeiter.
Declaration to the CNIL :
According to the law 78-17 of January, 6th, 1978 (modified by the law 2004-801 of August, 6th, 2004 about the protection of natural persons regarding the personal data processing) about computing, files, and liberties, this website has been the subject of a declaration 2011711 with the National Commission for Data Protection and Liberties (
Lawsuits :
The actual terms and conditions of the website are governed by the French laws and every single protest or lawsuit, which might come from the interpretation or the execution of these, will have to be resolved by the courts on which the company’s head office depends. The reference language, for some possible litigations settlement, is French.
Personal data :
In a general way, you are not held to communicate your personal data to us while glancing through our Internet site However, this principle contains some exceptions. As a matter of fact, for some services offered by our website, you will have to communicate to us some pieces of data like : your name, your function, the name of your company, your email address, and your phone number. For example, you have to do so when you fill the form online, in the heading “Contact”. In any case, you can refuse to provide your personal data. In this case, you won’t be able to use the website’s services, in particular the one to request information on our company or to receive newsletters.
Finally, we can collect automatically some information about you during simple browsing on our Internet site, including : information about the use of our website, like the parts you visited and the services you accessed, your IP address, the type of your browser, your access times. Such information is used exclusively to intern statistics purposes, in order to enhance the quality of the services offered to you. Databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July, 1st, 1998 transposing the directive 96/9 of March, 11th, 1996 about the databases’ legal protection.